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  • Writer's pictureSheila Brant

Maple Ribs

Updated: Apr 6, 2021

Mmmm.......ribs. Maple Ribs. Made with pure Brantview Farms Maple sugar, this rib rub is the perfect combination of spicy and sweet. Light the grill and try it on your next rack of ribs. You won't be sorry.



1 cup pure Brantview Farms Maple Sugar (unpacked)

1/2 cup paprika

2-1/2 T coarse black pepper

1-1/2 tsp chili powder 

1-1/2 T garlic powder

1-1/2 T onion powder

1/2 tsp cayenne 

2 T kosher salt

Rack of ribs

A juicy looking rack of pork ribs with black, brown and light red marking sits cooking on a black grill rack.
Maple Ribs on the grill


Mix rub ingredients together and apply to rack of ribs. Grill ribs until meat is cooked and heated through.

Recipe from Brantview Farms Maple customer Ed Schmidt


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